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Xcom Computers - Return Policy


Changing your mind / purchasing the wrong product by mistake
If you change your mind after making a purchase, or realise you have purchased the incorrect item, you can enjoy the peace of mind that we offer a 3 day exchange policy (excludes special order items). If there is not a suitable product that can be exchanged for your returned item you will be offered a credit on your account. Please note, . To exchange a product, goods must be sealed / unopened, with packaging in original condition, and we will need to be notified within 3 days of purchase / delivery. Special order items are excluded and cannot be returned / exchanged if you change your mind/purchase the wrong product by mistake. Frieght is the responsibility of the Customer.

  1. Note: 
  • Xcom will impose a 20% restocking fee on each product returned, unless where alternative arrangements have been agreed between both parties on exceptional cases. Approvals for exception can be made by Head of Sales, Manager Finance and/or General Manager

Incorrectly supplied products
If you have been accidentally supplied the wrong product, Xcom Computers will supply the correct product (where it is available) or issue a credit / refund.

  • to supply the correct product the incorrect product will first need to be returned to us;
  • we will need to be notified within 7 days of purchase / delivery;
  • the incorrect product supplied must be in resalable / unused condition.

Products that are faulty upon arrival / first use or otherwise

If the product you received is faulty upon arrival or where the Consumer Guarantees Act applies, the products do not comply with the guarantees under that Act, we will either repair or replace your product, or issue a credit / refund. Without limiting any rights you have under the Consumer Guarantees Act, in order to repair, replace or issue a credit / refund for your faulty product, it will need to be returned to us so we can test and confirm that it is faulty. 

Express warranty - Products that are faulty within the warranty period
Without limiting any rights you have under the Consumer Guarantees Act, if your product is faulty or has stopped working as intended and is still within the warranty period specified when you purchased your product, Xcom Computers will repair or replace your product or issue a credit / refund where a suitable replacement is not available. In order to repair, replace or issue a credit / refund for your faulty product, it will need to be returned to us so we can test and confirm that it is faulty. You may also be able to contact the manufacturer directly to arrange a repair / replacement. Returns of this nature can be made any time within the warranty period and it is your responsibility to cover any costs of returning the product to us.

Testing fees and return freight: If you return a product to us that is not faulty, you may be liable for a testing fee and freight charges to return the product to you.

Restocking fees: In some special circumstances including when products are sold to wholesale customers, we may agree (at our discretion) to accept a return of a product that is not faulty. In these situations there will be a handling fee equal to at least 20% of the purchased price. Delivery, service and assembly fees are not refunded at all.

Bonus products and gift with purchase: Any bonus or free products offered as part of a promotion (including gifts with purchase) must be returned with the primary product as part of any warranty claim on the primary product that the bonus items were offered with if the claim will result in the primary product being refunded or a credit note offered. In addition, where bonus or free products offered as part of a promotion including gifts with purchase are subject to a warranty claim and cannot be repaired or replaced, the customer must return all bonus products along with the primary product the bonus products were offered with before a refund or credit note of the primary product will be issued.


  • faulty goods will be subject to the normal return procedures for the specific brand being returned.
  • freight charges will not be credited.