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Sellers' Terms and Conditions

  1. With VitiKart you have the opportunity to put your product in front of hundreds of thousands of potential customers, plus the ability to start selling fast before you even set up a business website or physical store.
  2. Prior approval would be required to list your products on the platform, more information on this is be provided on the merchant user manual
  3. Merchants could only sell items which they have approvals for, and the rights to sell them to consumers in the local (Fiji) market
  4. Merchants have control of their products they wish to upload to the VitiKart platform using their own preferred mechanism (CSV bulk upload or individual items)
  5. Shipping costs need to be uploaded to each product if shipping is provided
  6. Merchants could also use the pick-up from store option
  7. Each product should contain a minimum of 5 high-resolution images (refer merchant manual for more details )
  8. Make it easy for shoppers to find your offers by adding descriptive titles, clear images, and concise feature bullets to your items (refer merchant manual for more details )
  9. Merchants need to ensure ownership is taken for all timely delivery of items as per agreements across all of Fiji
  10. All disputes of any products purchased needs to be handled by the merchant, Vodafone would only facilitate these requests if any and channel them to the merchant to handle with the respective buyers
  11. All returns, refunds, and exchanges would have to be handled based on the merchants' current policies for the same
  12. Merchants agree to follow the process agreed between the merchants and Vodafone to ensure all updates are done to the Magento platform at the time of dispatch and time of confirmed delivery of items to customers
  13. Vodafone would be carrying out all digital marketing for VitiKart and merchants could subscribe for any of the digital marketing plans provided
  14. Merchants need to use the Vitikart delivery stickers provided and use them on the delivery packaging
  15. Detailed customer contacts need to be handled by the merchants using their preferred channels to assist the shoppers with relevant to their products.
  16. Maintain the product listing for a minimum of 3 weeks, and Vodafone recommend updating the inventories at least once a month
  17. Merchants should provide competitive pricing of products vs what’s currently offered at their retail
  18. Vodafone retains the rights to disapprove any merchant at any given time for any breach of terms and conditions (refer agreement for more details)